This is our 17th Biodanza International Tribal Gathering! It is a camp that has grown organically and some of the children who began are now teenagers and still attending. Together we create a beautiful harmonious environment filled with love and enveloped by nature. What happens is truly a miracle, everything and everyone is there for this magical transformation to take place and the effects are long lasting! And although tribe members return again and again we welcome new people. Come and join us!
Antoinette Lorraine
We are looking forward to meet you at this special event: We expect that everyone will take part in the Biodanza workshops which is the foundation for this event.
PLACE: Landgoed Algoed, Enschede Netherlands
ARRIVAL : You can arrive from 2pm on Wednesday 23 July and departure is 2pm Sunday 27 July (if you come from UK you can travel with me or meet at Schipol Airport earlier).
CAR PARKING: There is a specific area for car parking. There is a specific area for campervans.
DINNER: Dinner is at 18:00
Cost: Adults Camping €460
Cost: Adults Camping €450
Children til 15 yrs €110 : Fully inclusive and childminding
Teenagers: after 15 yrs €150
Limited shared indoor accomodation available – Please ask
The gathering is mainly camping but there is some indoor accommodation at extra cost – please ask for information.
Cost is fully inclusive of accommodation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, all workshops and events.
Registration is at 19:00-19:30.
The food is delicious and vegetarian: our cook is Foukje
The languages are in Dutch and English (and there is translation for other langages too)
Biodanza opening workshop will be at 8pm for everyone
What takes place?
We offer a range of activities and entertainment at Tribal Gathering, click on a heading to find out more .
Each morning there will be a Pow Wow (camp meeting) where the whole camp will meet to talk about the days events together.
Please bring your drum if you have one. You are also welcome to bring other instruments for around the campfire.
Other events will be on offer: It is possible for you to offer something informally – you can announce it at the Pow Wow.
There will be a market place Bazaar Saturday afternoon for you to sell any creative art/craft.
During free times you can informally offer any type of healing, massage, singing by swapping for free/small fee.
There will be Biodanza and Creative workshops for the children & childminding for the children during adult workshops.
There will be Biodanza ‘Life’ workshops for the Teenagers and also creative ‘life’ workshops for the teenagers.
Impression of biodanza tribal gathering Netherlands

‘I would like to thank you for the Biodanza Tribal Gathering in Winterswijk this year. I am very grateful for this experience and for people I have met. It was magical. I could see how with every day I was very gently evolving, opening up to new unexpected feelings and experiences. I could feel very subtle changes happening in my body. I went from being reserved and distant to relaxed and fully present, the way I have never felt before. The pure joy of life – that is how I like to call it. I like to think we have created the right environment for personal growth and development, full of love and care. We were like a true tribe – children, teenagers, younger and older adults, parents, couples, singles, everyone equally important. On one hand, we were one group, spending time together, working, playing, just being. But in the same time, in this unity and in relation to each other, we remained as individuals. There was full acceptance of each other, just the way we are. I like to compare our way of being during this Tribal Gathering to the dance of fluidity – being close and present, but respectful and aware of others’ own space.’
'I really enjoyed the beautiful viviencias, your sparkling personality, the pure nature, energy at the Zonnebloem and the beautiful people in the tribe. You made me laugh, cry, sing, smile, shake, burn, feel ecstatic, free, wondered, and happy as a child. What a freedom and connection.
'To me, our Biodanza Tribal Gathering is to prove to myself that's not just an ideal to live and love this way. To be part of this family is really a support to live openness and stand for it during the year. With the trust we will meet and feed each other again'
‘Integrating family life with Biodanza. It was an amazing time during the Biodanza gathering in Winterswijk. Most attractive to me is that the atmosphere is so full of love and unpretentious.
Lots of children of all ages make it complete as they are really embraced by everyone.
Combining fatherhood and vivencias was easy when I enjoyed everything in the now, and didn't struggle with expectations.Thank you Antoinette for making it happen, year after year’.